We made it to the Cannon Beach Sandcastle day after all. The rain stopped wasn't exactly sunny, however we saddled up and went out to the beach. Not much of a turn out this year. I think that can be blamed on the weather. When we got there the beach was starting to clear out since the tide was on it's way in. We had time to walk the beach and see what sculptures were there though. Many seemed unfinished. There was one great one still underway with a crew of about six busily packing and carving sand. Wouldn't you know it though my camera battery died when we got to that one so I unfortunately did not get any pictures of it. Here's some pictures I did manage to get.
This all inspired the girls to want to play in the sand too of course. Then then needed to go to the bathroom....so we left the beach with intentions of returning. The public restrooms happen to be located next to the playground so naturally all plans of sand castle building were forgotten. We spent the rest of the afternoon on swings and slides.
We returned to Cannon Beach today with pails and shovels and a large array of plush toys and fairies only to have a last minute change of mind, theirs not mine, to return to the playground once again instead of the beach. OK fine with me. There's no picnic benches at the beach anyway. Next time I am bringing the laptop.
This all inspired the girls to want to play in the sand too of course. Then then needed to go to the bathroom....so we left the beach with intentions of returning. The public restrooms happen to be located next to the playground so naturally all plans of sand castle building were forgotten. We spent the rest of the afternoon on swings and slides.
We returned to Cannon Beach today with pails and shovels and a large array of plush toys and fairies only to have a last minute change of mind, theirs not mine, to return to the playground once again instead of the beach. OK fine with me. There's no picnic benches at the beach anyway. Next time I am bringing the laptop.
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