Hurricane 'Betty'

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So a little lapse in updates. I have many things to scan but we have been busy with the extreme weather and its aftermath. See our web album for some pictures.

I would like to post a quote from Kaya I found funny though. This was said after telling me if the cat came in their bed after she fell asleep I was to wake her up to see.
" umm, it's like I always says to myself....When I'm awake, I'm awake. Sooooo - I hope I can get back to sleep after you wake us up.....I hope I can sleep."
(at which time she fell promptly to sleep)
Needless to say I did not wake her up.

Wall Paint!

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Since the studio is being sheet-rocked and finished off next week the Girls and I had a little fun on the wall today. What can't be seen very well in the picture is all the little stuff and notes that have been drawn on the walls in the last year or so. Kind of an interesting record of projects past and future.
But soon a finished and new studio space in its place. The girls even have their own drafting table now and new 'cubbies' will be built for all their craft supplies as well as mine! I am pathetically really excited about having at least this one space (and office) finished. simple pleasures.

Jurassic Buddha

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Not really art maybe, but creative none the less!!
The small green one in the lower left was balancing on top of the brontosaurus on top before it fell.
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Happy Halloweenie!

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Busy making
Bunny and
Ears and Tails Tonight!

Happy Halloween!!

Where sheep come from.

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Where sheep come from....a study.


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Winter Approaches...

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Yep, must be winter..a lovely day at the beach, HA!
The fall deluge has begun and I anticipate some indoor down time is on its way. This will allow some studio time for myself and the girls and their creativity has already produced many new works of art. The refrigerator and walls are filling up quickly. So we decided to create this website for our family and friends to enjoy some of our favorite pieces. Hope you enjoy!

About This Blog

....The further adventures of two imaginative little girls and their slightly befuddled father amidst a flurry of bits of scrap paper, glue sticks and cat fur, and the always present plastic ponies and stick horses. Welcome to our ongoing project to electronically document the results of our explorations of creativity and tormentations of love of the family wonder cat 'Wilson' and bunny 'Henri B. Rabbit'. (At no time was any actual serious harm caused to said pets. By the way the fish are not OK with you trying to pet them!) We hope you enjoy our work and mumblings. We will try to update regularly with our artwork and the occasional cool find on the web we think you might enjoy as well.